Thursday, July 06, 2006

Caral : The oldest city in the New World is located in Peru

Photo :: Special Project Arqueologico Caral - Supe ©

The ancient city of Caral located in the north of Lima, Supe Valley, is considered as the oldest city in the western Hemisphere. Radiocarbon dates show that monumental architecture there was under construction as early as 2627 BC and until about 2000 BC, in other words 4700 years old, contemporary with pyramids in Egypt and the ziggurats of Mesopotamia.

Other sites as old as Caral, do not approach the enormous size of Caral, (165 acres) and scope its architecture, The city has 6 large platforms mounds (pyramids), many small platforms, two sunken circular plazas and diverse architectural features including densely packed residences. (See map of location)

Interesting points :

  • Peruvian archaeologist Ruth Shady thinks that Caral is a candidate to be the “mother city” in the Americas. This means that people moved from small family units to build cities of thousands of people.
  • Archaeologists think that construction seems to be associated with the advent of irrigation agriculture in the Supe Valley.
  • The ancient inhabitants of Caral expanded up river from the coast, developed agriculture (beans, sweet potatoes, chili, cotton, pacay and guayaba ) to support the growing population.
  • Fish bones have been found and that revels that the civilization depended on fishing as well.
  • Caral appears as the model for the urban design adopted by the Inca and the ancient pre Inca civilizations like Chavin, Moche, Lima, Wari, Chimu and others.
  • Its strategic location allowed trade with other close valleys in the Coast and the Andes. The trade generates a dynamic economic process and savings making this city more powerful.
  • In Caral there is not evidence of war: no weapons, not mutilated bodies.
  • It had a theocratic government managed by priest and Scientifics who were in charged of the ceremonies, astronomical investigation and prepare calendars to organize the activities of the inhabitants.
  • In one of the pyramids archaeologist found beautiful flutes made of condor and pelican bones.
  • The constructions happened before ceramics and maize were introduced in the area.

Caral can be visited from Lima in a full day tour leaving early from Lima and returning late afternoon. InkaNatura can arrange visits to the area with professional tour guides or for those with a deep interest in archaeology we can offer archaeologist who will let you more about this interesting ancient city.

Links for more information :